Facebook has become THE vehicle of choice for reaching out to the world by both individuals and businesses.
Hang around SiteSell Facebook. Spend some time there, look
around and participate. We'll even throw in some SurPriZes. ;-)
But... you have to be there for a chance to win one. http://facebook.sitesell.com/ scafidi.html
SiteSell Facebook has given us a unique opportunity to communicate directly with new customers, existing customers and a TON of yet-to-be customers.
What works for us will work for YOU too! (Well, that is if you own SBI!.)
Introducing Face It!
Face It! provides seamless integration of SBI! and Facebook. It harnesses the power of Facebook's viral spread potential and packs it into every SBI! page.
Face It! makes it click-easy to put Like buttons ANYWHERE on your page. You can choose to have users "Like" your site, or that specific page - your choice!
This feature allows you to have up to 3 Like buttons on any page, and all with their own unique functionality.
You can also choose to integrate Facebook's Commenting platform. Now, SBIers can go WAY beyond blogging by enabling visitors' comments to go back to THEIR friends.
Comments are displayed on the commenter's Facebook Wall for all of their friends to see...
And a tremendous opportunity to gain new commenters who spread THEIR comments to THEIR friends! It keeps spreading!
Face It! has 3 unique advantages...
1) ability to place multiple buttons with different functions
2) ability to place them anywhere on page
3) makes it all click-easy.
It adds Facebook Comments ("Commenting") to each of your pages (except, for now, NOT to Content 2-submitted pages). This pushes commenting "beyond blogging."
For more information, please see the launch announcement. We've "pulled" it out of the SBI! Social Forums into the Special Selected Forums so that affiliates can see it, too...
It's important stuff. And you'll get a feeling for the next 3 Releases which will be coming in rapid-fire order.
Hang around SiteSell Facebook. Spend some time there, look
around and participate. We'll even throw in some SurPriZes. ;-)
But... you have to be there for a chance to win one. http://facebook.sitesell.com/ scafidi.html
OK, so now that you're familiar with the nuts and bolts of Face It!, let's get into what it means to YOU.
This new launch is all about pushing the boundaries of SBI! beyond the "state of the Net." If you read the post above, you'll see how this release is better than any plug-in or other software that does anything even remotely similar.
We've played with plug-ins. They mix up voting with sharing with commenting (see the post to understand). And THAT mixes up your visitors. This improved usability, together with the unique features, pushes SBI! beyond all others.
Face It! gives you yet another way of combating a widely-held "old-fashioned" SBI! and other "Urban Myths"...
Think of just these additions...
Sitemap XML -- SBI! was the first and we still do things with this file that no one else does.
Blog It! -- what other evergreen site ALSO has this power?
Content 2 -- unmatched. Unmatchable. 'Nuff said. :-)
And now...
Face It!. It's already amazing, but read the post to see where this is all going with Socialize It! 2, 3, and 4.
Promote Face It! as another major SBI! function that pushes it BEYOND everyone/everything/everybody else! (Can you tell that I'm excited?) :-)
All of these amazing tools, plus a process that turns average folks into Web moguls can't be resisted.
Plus Support and the magical Forums.
Plus our constant monitoring of hundreds of feeds, updating SBIers with the ONLY new info they need.
But most importantly and exciting today...
Tell your visitors about Face It!. Give em' the facts. Share the stories...
Then sit back and watch it all pay off! Click-KaChing!
SiteSell Facebook Approaches 25,000!
And An Extra Special Launch!
SiteSell Facebook ("SSFB") is almost at the magic number of
25,000 fans! To celebrate, we're getting ready to raise the
curtain on a VERY Special event.
Pay extra Special attention to SSFB in the coming days for a fantastic promo opportunity, prizes and surprizes AND the announcement of an exciting NEW SBI! release!
As a Special bonus we have a VERY important SBI! module release that we've been saving JUST for this event!... Face It!
Hang around SiteSell Facebook. Spend some time there, look
around and participate. We'll even throw in some SurPriZes. ;-)
But... you have to be there for a chance to win one. http://facebook.sitesell.com/ scafidi.html