TFT Member Update - Important Webinar
Invitation by: scafidiThis is a reminder about an important training webinar
that is taking place today at 3pm Pacific, 6pm Eastern.
Date: March 9th - Register Now
The two founders of That Free Thing will be on this
Webinar giving us a special behind the scenes look
at what this opportunity is all about.
This event will only happen once, so make sure you get
registered and lock in your seat early because we can
only fit 1,000 members and we are expecting to fill it!
We think you will be blown away with the amount of
value that we have put together for only $25 and then
After this Webinar you will understand why we believe
this opportunity could easily get 1,000,000 members
by the end of the year!
Join the Webinar to get more information!
We look forward to sharing our vision with you
-TFT Support Team
Register Now for the Webinar
Link Here:View the WEBSITE