Theme for 2011 "Education"
Networking companies generally provide excellent training on their products and services. Most, however, provide little or no training in three other areas critical to your success: personal development, professional development and business development. In order to best serve the networking profession, NU has chosen these three areas in which to focus its programs.
The Personal Development Department includes, among others:
Claim Your Success (Randy Gage)
Conquer Fear (Lisa Jimenez)
Extraordinary Leadership (Chris Widener)
Find Your Why and Fly (John Di Lemme)
Happy Healthy Wealthy Game (Jim Bunch)
Mental Toughness Training (Steve Siebold)
Mach II, The Art of Vision and Self Motivation (Richard Bliss Brooke)
More Heart Than Talent (Jeff Combs)
Focus: Where Fortunes are Won… and Lost (Dr. Thomas Barrett)
The Professional Development Department includes, among others:
Making Lead Calls Irresistible (Hilton Johnson)
The Psychology of Recruiting (Doug Firebaugh)
The Coaching System (Sonia Stringer)
Success Made Simple (Paula Pritchard)
Retention: A Key to MLM Success in Keeping Your Downline! (Gary Coxe)
Cultivating a Network of Endless Prospects (Bob Burg)
Conversations For Success: A Course to Champion Network Marketers (Dr. Joe Rubino)
Cold Calling College (Wendy Weiss)
Eliminating Objections Completely (Michael Oliver)
How to Develop Global Network Marketing Leaders (Art Jonak)
How to Get the Most Out of Your People (Kathy Robbins)
If My Product's So Great, How Come I Can't Sell It? (Kim Klaver)
Mastering the Art of Effective Story Telling (Todd Falcone)
The Business Development Department includes, among others:
How to Build a Lifetime Residual Income by Focusing on Customers (Mark Heisel)
Financially Fit (Steve Down)
Building Your Network Marketing Business with Velocity (Dr. Joe Rubino)
Introduction to Networking WebSearch (Dan Hollings)
On the Internet, the World is Your Warm Market! (Max Steingart)
Taking the Profession to the Professionals (David Stewart)
Three Sure-Fire Steps to Earning $20,000 a month for life! (Jerry Clark)
Touring the Greatest Networkers Community (John Milton Fogg)
As core competencies are identified in each department, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate competencies that will lead to Professional Certification by the University. Our intention is that this certification goes hand-in-hand with your proven success, showing others in your organization and throughout our profession the value of ongoing learning.
We believe that the best learning comes from doing. To the maximum extent possible we will offer courses that include demonstration, experiential activities, practice, and feedback. Course material will be presented in a number of formats. There will be the familiar workshops, teleconferences, and web conferences. Another technology we are excited about is web-based delivery that will give you access to instruction at your own place, time, and pace (just like your business!)
Enroll Here!
Dec 30, 2010
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