Dear Friends
I received a message Friday morning that one of my mentors, who also is a good friend, passed away. This is a man who has had a huge influence in my life. In fact, the scope of his support is only now, with the benefit of hindsight, becoming evident to me.
While reflecting on our time together (which now seems so short), I am acutely aware that his involvement with me transcended professional courtesy or business mentorship.
His was an on-going example of unconditional love.
While sad about his passing, I am comforted in the knowledge that the last few times we were together, I made it a point of acknowledging the contribution he had made to my life. Remembering those conversations is making it easier for me.
This week's tip:
There are people in your life who have, or who are now, making a significant contribution to your success. Likely they are a select few. Make it a point to meet with each, look her/him in the eyes and acknowledge their help and support. I'm glad I did.
Now, go work your network.
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