If you are fortunate enough to have a job right now, you probably have not seen your income increase to that great of an extent. You may do everything right but a company may not be able to pay you more money simply because the amount of money to pay for salary increases is not there. This probably does happen to many people and much more so these days as companies are trying to batten down the hatches with the recession going on.
You must look at increasing your income every year when possible. You may make the same amount as you did last year as a gross revenue but your money does not go as far. Inflation occurs every year and it was very high last year. The article I will point to is a little bit out of date but can give you the general idea: http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0319/p01s01-usec.html. Think about what happened with gas going over four dollars this year. Did you have as much money to do the things you could do or did you find you were struggling to make ends meet? This probably came as a result of higher prices. Your income was not or is not increasing at the same pace as inflation. If you want to see even more proof, take a look at this document put out by the UK government. You can read as much as you want to see how this recession is really hurting you: http://www.lowpay.gov.uk/lowpay/research/pdf/t0001EDS.pdf.
One way that you can increase your income potentially is to start a home based business. You may have read a great deal about this and thought about starting a home based business. You may have had some misgivings about going down this route. If you are at all concerned about this, take a look at the following article: http://www.officialares.com/general/benefits-of-home-based-business/. It talks about the sales that home based businesses generate every year among other things.
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